This page describes the internal cell-by-cell binary files of PMWIN.
A complete list of these files can be found in Appendix A of the manual
The grid geometry and location are saved in the Grid Specification File
with the extension GRD. The format of this file is given below:
File Format
1. Data: NROW NCOL
2. Data: X Y ANGLE
3. Data: DELR(NCOL)
4. Data: DELC(NROW)
Explanation of Fields Used in Input Instructions
NROW is the number of model rows.
NCOL is the number of model columns.
X is the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the model grid.
Y is the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the model grid.
ANGLE is the rotation angle expressed in degrees and measured
countercolckwise from the positive x- axis.
DELR is the cell width along rows. Read one value for each
of the NCOL columns. This is a single array with one value for
each column.
DELC is the cell width along columns. Read one value for each of the
NROW rows. This is a single array with one value for each row.
Time-indenpendent model data (such as hydraulich conductivity or porosity)
are saved in time-independent model data file, which has a header of
1000*4 bytes. The header is not used here. Following the header, PMWIN
uses REAL (4 bytes) to save cell-by-cell model data seguentially.
The following example illustrates a model data file with NJ columns,
NI rows and 2 layers.
HEADER (1000*4 bytes)
f(1,1) f(1,2) ... f(1,J) .... f(1,NJ) ---
f(2,1) f(2,2) ... f(2,J) .... f(2,NJ) |
. . . . | 2D matrix for layer 1
. . . . | NI*NJ*4 bytes
f(I,1) f(I,2) ... f(I,J) .... f(I,NJ) |
. . . . |
. . . . |
f(NI,1) f(NI,2)... f(NI,J) ....f(NI,NJ) ---
f(1,1) f(1,2) ... f(1,J) .... f(1,NJ) ---
f(2,1) f(2,2) ... f(2,J) .... f(2,NJ) |
. . . . | 2D matrix for layer 2
. . . . | NI*NJ*4 bytes
f(I,1) f(I,2) ... f(I,J) .... f(I,NJ) |
. . . . |
. . . . |
f(NI,1) f(NI,2)... f(NI,J) ....f(NI,NJ) ---
The file numbers and extensions of time-independent data files are
listed below:
3 TOP top elevation of layers
4 BOT Bottom elevation of layers
5 IBD IBOUND array
6 POR Effective Porosity
7 STO specific storage
8 CON horizontal hydraulic conductivity
9 LEA vertical hydraulic conductivity
10 HEA starting head
40 TIC ICBUND Array (MT3D)
41 TSC Starting Concentration (MT3D)
42 TOB Observation Points (MT3D)
51 LKN vertical leakance
52 DWA Wetting threshold (MODFLOW BCF2)
53 TAL longitudinal dispersivity (MT3D)
60 HTC Transmissivity
61 SCC Confined storage coefficient
62 YLD Specific Yield
70 WAL Direction (horizontal flow barrier)
71 WAC Kf/Wall_thickness (horizontal flow barrier)
81 WBL Subregions for the water budget calculation
83 _83 Recycle
85 C85 Location of reservoirs (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
86 C86 Bottom Elevation of the reservoir (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
87 C87 Bed conductivity of the reservoir (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
88 C88 Bed Thickness of the reservoir (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
89 C89 Layer indicator of the reservoir (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
91 C91 Bulk density of the soil matrix (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
92 C92 First sorption constant (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
93 C93 Second sorption constant (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
94 C94 First-order rate constant for the dissolved phase
(PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
95 C95 First-order rate constant for the sorbed phase
(PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
97 C97 digitizer (PMWIN 4.1 or higher)
** Do not use the file numbers 98, 99 and 100 for any array, these numbers
are reserved **
Each time-dependent file has a corresponding record of 1000*2 bytes
(INTEGER) in the file filename.RCD. Where filename is the name of the
model. Each integer of this record corresponds to a stress period
(max. 1000 stress periods are allowed).
The beginning position (in bytes) of a record is
(FN-1) * 2000 + 1
Where FN is the file number listed below. If the i-th integer has the
value j, the data of the j-th period will be used for the i-th stress period.
A time-dependent model data file has a header of 1000 * 4 bytes (REALs).
The value S in the n-th REAL indicates that the data of S-th stress
period is saved in the n-th position of the file.
In the following example, a model has 2 layers and 8 stress periods.
The data of the 1st, 3rd and 5th stress periods have been specified and
saved in the position 1, 3 and 2, respectively. In this case, the
specified data for the stress period 5 will be used for the stress
periods 6, 7 and 8, too. Similarly, the data of the first
stress period will be used for the 1st and 2nd periods. The data of the
stress period 3 will be used for the 3rd and 4th periods. This data
structure allows a user to jump between stress periods in the Data
Editor without having to save data of all stress periods.
RECORD in the RCD file:
Position (=Stress period) -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ....
Values: 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 ....
HEADER (1000*4 bytes): 1 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ....
position 1: 2D-matrix for layer 1, period 1 |
(begin: 4001 bytes) 2D-matrix for layer 2, period 1 |
position 2: 2D-matrix for layer 1, period 5 <--|
(4001+(2-1)*NI*NJ*4) 2D-matrix for layer 2, period 5 <--|
position 3: 2D-matrix for layer 1, period 3
(4001+(3-1)*NI*NJ*4) 2D-matrix for layer 2, period 3